Exit: The House of Riddles

Von | April 27, 2019

von Exit (webseite)

📦escape book
You and your fellow detectives are summoned to an abandoned house. Never wanting to turn down an unsolved mystery, you arrive at the house. Suddenly, you hear screams and see that the entrance has shut behind you. What’s happening here? Will you be able to crack the case and find your way out of the house?
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Bewertet zwischen 2.5 und 4 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 9 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 3 Benutzern

Deine Bewertung


Holger erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Teamgröße: 4
Lise experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Lindsey Carey (Dinner Jackets) experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Gespielt am: 26 Dec 2024 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 38:04 9 stars Ergebnis: Entkommen!
ziemlich leicht

An easier one but we enjoyed it. 

Jemileh erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Charly experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Dan Mircea Suciu erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Wesley Mead experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
PurpleB experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
imrahil erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

I wouldn’t like to suggest that Exit are scraping the barrel for their theme ideas, but the premise for House of Riddles is simply that you’re in a house... full of puzzles... kinda like one of those ‘escape room’ things. Although to be fair, there’s actually noticeably more story in this game than in most others in the Exit series - the standard booklet of clues includes some pages of narrative.

House of Riddles is rated a minimal two out of five difficulty, as easy as any games in the series....

But we don’t even like cherry pie.
As the City adventurers are unable to actually visit escape rooms, I am going to add my reviews of Escape Games in a box that can be played at home. Next up is:- Exit the game – The House of Riddles Like other Exit the Game titles the box contains an information booklet and few

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