You have been LOCKED DOWN in a HIGH RISK prison for a crime you did not commit. You are on DEATH ROW and have to find a way to escape in 60 minutes and prove your innocence, before walking the GREEN MILE to the execution room.
Solve puzzles and find clues before it’s too late and you are sentenced to death by ELECTRIC CHAIR.
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Gespielt am: 10 Mar 2022Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: Who knowsErgebnis: Entkommen!
Our host was super cheerful and friendly but apart from that we don’t have a lot great to say about this room. The decoration was good but the puzzles are probably unsolvable without hand holding from the host. I say probably because despite asking to be left alone we couldn’t spend 10 seconds working on a puzzle without having the answer spelled out for us via their hint system. There are two dreadful counting puzzles in this game, either one of which alone would have infuriated us at any other room. Give this one a wide berth.
I put “who knows” as time taken because we genuinely didn’t know. There was no timer and the host didn’t tell us how long we’d taken…to me the whole experience felt like an eternity.
I got
a voucher for this room on Living Social. I can't turn down a deal!
up for a crime you didn't commit and sentenced to death, escape prison before you're
sent to the electric chair.
tricky: I was heavily reliant on hints. I felt there may have been one or two
that were impossible to solve without a nod in the right direction. The variety
wasn't amazing, either. I'm not a fan of a surplus of maths-based problems...especially when you're not supplied with a pen and paper! I
remember getting stumped on puzzle after puzzle, waiting for clues almost every
time. I'm tempted to say this room was too hard.
different sections of the escape (from the cell to the Green Mile to the electric
chair) was a nice idea, but the execution (haha) could have been better. I was
getting room-full-of-tacky-props vibes. I'm also not quite sure why we ended up
in the electric chair room when our goal was to get out of jail.
our time was up, we were allowed to finish the room. This isn't one for small
teams, and it's certainly not one for newbies.
There were some classic puzzles. There were also some very strange puzzles. The owner had said he wanted his rooms to be hard but one of them wasn’t really a puzzle, it was more that you were just meant to see something that wasn’t there. Genuinely, it wasn’t there.