You have been held in a number of POW camps and you have escaped from each one. This time they are sending you to Colditz! Will you escape and make it back home to your loved ones?
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Gespielt am: 28 May 2023Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 57:29Ergebnis: Entkommen!
story-getriebentolles hosting
One day we will remember that drinking copious amounts of alcohol the night before doing escape rooms leaves our brains addled. Despite this we somehow managed to get out even though we missed some super obvious clues. I’m not usually a fan of war games as think they’re over done but I enjoyed this one and liked the idea of multiple endings which we’ve had similar of in games this year. Very much enjoyed.
WW2 is a favourite theme of ours so we were really looking forward to this one. The historical references are spot-on and there is a strong narrative throughout the game. We really liked the theatrical elements, as they not only added to the game itself but they made it more fun.
There is plenty to do with some lovely detail scattered throughout.
Great room with lots of historically accurate details, the added theatrical elements and multiple success conditions make a nice change of pace to the gameflow.
This room has a great historical basis and the early areas are well themed. There's a couple of elements of theatricality that always appeals to me as well. Gameplay is a mix of puzzles but the light levels in the early part hindered us slightly until we moved into the later stages of the game.
My first ever lock in was in this room, but that doesn't mean it'll get a negative review. Loved the room, thought there were some very clever bits, including the ending, which unfortunately we didn't get to experience ourselves, but still loved the idea. Very story driven, and immersive.
Really enjoyed this room and the games master was great. Very well themed and immersive. Not as difficult as it seems from the escape rate - seems that there is one particular element causing difficulty rather than the whole room. Enjoyable fairly traditional escape room which benefits from experience but doesn't feel like repeats of other rooms.