It is May, 1939 and as the problems on continental Europe mount, British Intelligence need the group to focus on a problem at home. They believe a city banker is providing funding and support to the Germans. They also believe he has specific knowledge about plans for a German incursion on to British soil.
Just what does this fiendish financier know?
We have two identical experiences. You can just play one or bring two teams and race!
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We are in another time zone here, looking to swap important documents for fake ones. Once again the puzzles are mixture of logic and search based (including a couple that might defeat younger players as they have no concept of how it might work!). Theming is good but there is a possibility of an insta-fail on the last puzzle so take care.
Gespielt am: 31 May 2021Teamgröße: 5Benötigte Zeit: 37Ergebnis: Entkommen!
preis-leistungs-verhältnisziemlich leicht
A decent, fun game that worked well for our group of friends. We didn't find it too challenging, but enjoyed it all the same.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
As is not at all evident from the name, Banking on Trouble is set at the beginning of World War II, and your goal is to find information about a possible Nazi invasion of Britain - specifically, the landing place and time. The game's name is a reference to the fact that you're infiltrating the office of a traitorous City banker to find this information. (If you find use of Nazi symbolism distasteful, be warned that you may encounter some in this game.)