Escape-Room „Can You Get Out“: Mystery of an Old Man

Von | Mai 31, 2021

von Escape-Room "Can You Get Out" (webseite)


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

ONE DAY LAST month, an elderly man took a train from Dublin to the Cork, trekked up an isolated hillside, and died.

The man’s identity and cause of death are a mystery that has stumped police and intrigued the Ireland, as detectives probe whether his final journey is linked to a deadly Ship crash more than 18 years ago.

Garda say the body of a neatly dressed man of about 70 was found on 18 June, on a path leading toan old shed on the a rocky outcrop.

In his pockets were return train tickets and €130  — but no ID. There were no signs of violence and an autopsy was inconclusive and notes about disasters

The day before he was found dead, the man had taken a train 120 kilometers from Dublin, then travelled to the village , where he stopped at a pub.

Then he set off on foot, never to return.

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