
Gespielt am: 10 May 2024 Teamgröße: 5 Benötigte Zeit: 1hr 14m Ergebnis: Entkommen!
This was my first time playing a multiplayer online escape room though others in my team had played in online rooms before and were extremely positive about the experience.

It was a simple narrative, but touches like the intro/outro AI-generated video clips were well produced and added to the immersion. The puzzles formed a linear change but were pitched to just the right level for a team of this size - good use of multiple simultaneous references to encouage team communication. Nothing was too difficult, but difficult enough that it added a level of tension to get clear within the available timespan.  

Interesting variety of puzzles which made each encounter fresh, and as a first-time online player, laid out in such a way that we were never stuck with the mechanics or interface. I think that it's the puzzle design that really stands out for me and why I'll come back for more. 

Honestly, it was an excellent introduction to the genre and I can't fault the experience - you do need to play on a reasonably-sized screen, not one for phones/tablets. It probably deserves 5 stars ... 

Last thing - we completed in 1hr 14m, but were aiming to be out in 60 minutes, so that might technically be a 'fail', but that's not what I'll be telling my friends!