
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
tolles hosting

This a super fun room and the hosts were excellent! There were some cool puzzles that I wasn’t expecting in there and definitely worth a play. As a team of 2 there was quite a lot of content so that’s something to be mindful of. 

hightechraffiniertimmersivziemlich schwierig

This game is on a different level to so many others I have played. The theming is immaculate with some fun Easter eggs for people with an eye for detail and a nerdy inclination. The game is fully immersive and story driven with brain bendy and tactile puzzles. Enthusiast or newbie, if you’re looking for a real experience as well as a game with spot on balance of fun and challenge, this is it!

This room was okay but I wouldn’t recommend it to an enthusiast. It was tiny and very warm, meaning the GMs offered to leave the door open which felt the opposite of immersive. The game is lacking in what I would describe as genuine puzzles. A lot of searching for codes but next to no working them out. The theming was amusing and I think this would be okay for someone less interested in puzzles.