Bafflements Games Play-at-Home: MI9: Evade & Escape

Von | Dezember 27, 2024

von Bafflements Games Play-at-Home (webseite)

2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

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60-90 minuten

You are a WWII allied airman forced to bail out in occupied Belgium. Luckily you’ve been trained to evade capture, with tools and techniques supplied by MI9, the wartime escape and evasion specialists. Their network of Escape and Evasion Lines can help you get home from occupied Europe. It’s a long way to safety with many puzzles ahead, who can you trust and can you make it out of danger in time?

Drawing on genuine situations from occupied Europe during WWII, this game is based on the work of the real-life MI9, who created the tools of the secret agent: uniforms and blankets that transformed into disguises, money concealed in board games, shoes with secret compartments and silk maps in the lining of clothes! Their secret networks of brave undercover agents saved thousands of allied servicemen.

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