The Escaporium Liverpool: Wee W.I.L.L.I.E. WinKey

Von | Oktober 19, 2024

von The Escaporium Liverpool (webseite)

Unit 12, King Edward Industrial Estate, Gibraltar Row, Liverpool L3 7HJ


2-6 Spieler

2 Spieler: £25.00pp
3 Spieler: £22.00pp
4 Spieler: £20.00pp
5 Spieler: £18.00pp
6 Spieler: £17.00pp

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

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Bewertet mit 4.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

Deine Bewertung


pawh83 experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 25 Oct 2024 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 55:15 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalkomischraffiniertziemlich schwierig

Well it looks like North of England has a new best escape room!

Based in the old Cluefinders site in Liverpool the inside of the building has undergone a complete transformation and is totally unrecognisable now. 

We were greeted by our hosts the amazing Amy and Angela and taken inside the waiting room. After a nice long chat about all things escape room Amy delivered the (hilarious) brief and we were away!

Any concerns about the old rooms from the former owners just being tarted up were gone instantly. The space has been completely remodelled and decorated to the highest standard. 

The game was packed full of very clever puzzles, I’d say half of which we hadn’t seen before in over 100 rooms completed. 

There was just the right mix of technology and padlocks, nothing felt like it was there just to keep you in there longer. Every puzzle was smart, well thought out, moved the story forward and gave a real sense of satisfaction when it was completed.

No spoilers from me but you will leave the room with a big smile on your face. 

We did it as a two and had three clues, all down to us not paying enough attention. We could have split up and got through the room quicker as it wasn’t totally linear, but we stuck together and solved everything as a pair taking us almost the full hour. 

If you’re an enthusiast do this in a smaller group so you get to do everything and make the most of the time. If you’re going with inexperienced or younger players I’d say go for a bigger group and you should get out no problem. 

Liverpool has long been overdue a new escape room and this knocks the local chains out of the water. I know there are more rooms coming from The Escaporium and I’ll be first in line to play them. 

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