Lord Barrington challenges you to enter his Labyrinth; master the elements of water, fire, and earth; and rescue the Minotaur! The Labyrinth has been built to Lord Barrington's exacting standards to put your skills to the test: can you control the flow, ignite the spark, and move the earth to find your way through the maze, release the Minotaur from his cage and make your escape? During your journey gather gold and silver tokens to stake your claim as a legend of the Labyrinth!
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Gespielt am: 3 Feb 2025Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 59Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Quite an unusual room, clearly designed for experienced players. i would not recommend this for first time escape roomers, there are some unusual puzzles and unusual rules to the game that made this very difficult and at times, quite frustrating to fully 100 percent complete. Theming is not amazing but its well worth doing especially if you are a more experienced player.
Love a collect as much as you can game and enjoyed finding some of the sneaky hiding spots for the tokens! We finished with 37/40 points and were pretty chuffed with that! Great puzzles and lots of creativity and love has gone into building it. Easily my favourite at this venue!
Fantastic experience. I do love games that have side objectives. We scored 36, just missing out on one more gold and two silver. I tend to dawdle along in escape rooms to avoid escaping too soon but this game kept us busy right down to the last minute. Would recommend it for newbies and experts alike.
Gespielt am: 7 Oct 2024Teamgröße: 2Ergebnis: Entkommen!
schöntolles hostingepos
The set and puzzle design is absolutely beautiful. There is plenty to do in this room and the variety of puzzle types really sets this game apart from your ordinary escape room. We very nearly got the lot as a two. Great hosting
We absolutely loved this game! Lots of creative puzzles including some we haven't seen before. It will likely keep you busy right up until the last second of the hour! I love physical puzzles and this room was great for that.
Would recommend for newbies, experienced escapers, couples, groups, families. Do ask about physical accessibility if you aren't sure.
Lee is a great host and we had loads of fun. We will be returning.