Escapable: The Great Loudini – Live Magic & Puzzles

Von | September 25, 2022

von Escapable (webseite)

Thornes Lane Wharf, Wakefield WF1 5RL


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

75 minuten
Rollstuhlgeeignet - kontaktieren Sie den Veranstaltungsort für Details


Bewertung von Ashley Archbold

Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 26 Mar 2023 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 63
originaltolles hostingmagisch
The Great Houdini once said "Never tell the auidience how good you are, they will soon find out for themselves"

I had the absolute pleasure of playing The Great Loudini at Escapable - Escape Rooms and I am going to honour the first part of that statement and not tell you how good the room was. What I will say is I have never done such an immersive, evolving, interactive room previously. It's more than a escape room, it's an escape experience. The pride, passion and a little pizazz that the owner has put into this really shines through. From beginning to end, you are taken on a journey of wonder, awe and 'how did he do that??' 

He has done his best to take you back to 1926, the glory days of magic in the past, but the irony is, he shows you a glimpse of escape rooms in the future.

So if you get chance then follow the second half of the opening statement, and go and find out for yourselves.

Ashley Archbold hat 7 Spiele gespielt - alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen ansehen

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