von One Way Out (webseite)
Piazza Emanuele Filiberto, 15/D, 10122 Torino TO
2-8 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, IT
60 minuten
Ricompare ad Amburgo nel 1940 dove, al riparo da occhi indiscreti, ha costruito il ‘Bunker X’ per venderlo ai gerarchi nazisti interessati ad acquistare la nuova tecnologia in grado di assicurare loro la vittoria.
Arrivati in città, avrete 60 minuti di tempo per superare i sistemi di sicurezza, sconfiggere il computer ed scongiurare la minaccia prima che sia troppo tardi.

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
Deine Bewertung

This is the hardest game at this centre and was developed in conjunction with the University. It is tech-heavy and there are very few padlocks. The theme has a WW2 flavour and the room is set up really nicely with some really authentic decor. The puzzle difficulty is definitely up a notch from the School of Magic game we played here and this is definitely something to provide a bit more of a challenge bit we didn't feel like there was too much for a team of two. Overall, it was instinctive and fun, with some cool puzzles and tech that worked flawlessly. The staff here are incredibly kind and helpful and everything is available in both Italian and English.