HOUNDS – Escape Games, Immersive Experiences, Mini-bar: The Explorer’s Diary

By | Januar 8, 2022

von HOUNDS - Escape Games, Immersive Experiences, Mini-bar (webseite)

12 - 13 Queens Square, RH10 1DY



2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60-75 minuten


Bewertung von 🔐James Bloodworth experte

Rated between 50 and 50 out of 5
Gespielt am: 20/11/2022 Teamgröße: 5 Benötigte Zeit: 36:58 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingepos

I'm often a little leary when a company offers an "experience", but I think Hounds are accurate.  From the bar area to the In Character GM.  I played their two earlier games a year ago and was impressed then (controversially I think Questionable Ethics had the slightly better game play but the theming of Southern Dis-Comfort was incredibly good).  Explorers Diary is better then both of them.

The theming is very much on point, as are the puzzles which are a real combination of old favourites.  Light and Sound effects are used to great effect in some memorable moments.

My only real criticism is that we got the same safety briefing 3 times by 2 people and a video.  Hounds was already a company to watch, but this really is one of the best games I've played this year.  I would go with two people, three at a push just to make sure you get to see and play every part as its worth it.

James Bloodworth hat 549 Spiele gespielt - alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen ansehen

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