Join a fearless crew of treasure-hungry smugglers in a race against time! You’ve got just 90 minutes before the Redcoats storm your secret hideout at the Ye Olde Lock Inn, hunting for your stolen loot. It’s a mad scramble to hide the goods, outsmart the enemy, and prepare for the ultimate showdown. Can you and your crew protect your treasure, or will the Redcoats snatch it right from under your noses? Time’s ticking, and your lives—and loot—are on the line! Are you ready to fight for your fortune?
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Gespielt am: 1 Jun 2023Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 38.00Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalstory-getriebentolles hosting
Such a uniquely constructed game with some seriously cool elements that made this an absolute hoot! There is an actor in the room for good reason and we found that this added to the enjoyment; some, however, might dislike having someone in there.
It's a very different kind of room with some humour thrown in - we had a fabulous time.
We have blooming loved all of the Ctrl Alt Esc games that we have done. Superb ideas, creative puzzles, super enthusiastic hosts and we love chatting with them after.
The set design is hand made and very cleverly fits with the theme (they are even getting a license so you can have a drink while you play). The GM is in the room with you for most of the game which feels weird at first (I was trying so hard not to ask idiotic questions) but fit the storyline perfectly.
Bessie (I hope I have that right) is a great feature and the voiceovers, decor and finale make this such a fun game, I highly recommend it. They may not have the expensive polish of some of the big games companies but the ideas and creativity are some of the best in the UK. Highly recommended, you will have FUN!