von Colors by Experiencity (webseite)
Plaza de Francisco Morano 3, Local Derecha, ES 28005
2-7 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, ES
Ha transcurrido algo más de 1 mes desde el Día D. Han capturado a “Perconte” y creemos que lo pueden estar torturando.
Tememos que revele nuestras posiciones antes de lanzar el ataque para liberar París de las tropas alemanas.
La 101ª División Aerotransportada nos acaba de entregar información de un cuartel donde permanecen atrincherados altos mandos alemanes.
Creemos que nuestro amigo puede estar retenido allí... Hemos conseguido descifrar un mensaje encriptado y sabemos que van a atacar París hoy, ¡tenemos que entrar en su fortaleza y encontrar a Perconte para utilizar sus instalaciones en su contra para liberar París!
¡Estamos en Guerra! ¡Escapa de las trincheras!

basierend auf Bewertungen von 3 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
Deine Bewertung

The design is the thing and this is an incredibly impressive element to this game. The puzzles are good and fit in well with the immersion but they do come second to living the story of the room, which is to release Private Perconte - of Easy Company, 101st Airbourne.
Overall it's a super experience and there were times when we genuinely felt panicked. It's not a puzzle-fest kind of room and there is a big role-playing element. It's an immersive experience that involves solving puzzles rather than a puzzle-fest but it works well.

Super cool room, we loved it; we were warned it was a very active room and indeed we moved a lot, but everything worked super well, it allowed to parallelise tasks and all of us had a lot to do. We also liked that it was pretty long (up to 90 minutes). Usually I don't like when the GM comes into the room but I enjoyed how it was done in this case. It was not very difficult but there were a lot of puzzles to compensate.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
While making your way through the trenches during world war 2, you face a few challenges – puzzles, tasks, and a challenge that isn’t usually as apparent as it is in this room – disorientation.
Do you remember the third task from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, with the maze that keeps changing all the time? Well, that’s exactly how this room feels. The creators have managed to play with the space and constantly change it over and over, creating a sense of a much bigger space than the room actually occupies.