Guanguiltagua N36-219 y, Diego Noboa, Quito 170135
1-6 Spieler
£17.00 $22.00
Sprachen: EN
Dr. Agustin Heineken works for the Secret Forces of Room Escape. He and his colleagues developed several experiments to improve the human race. However, something went out of control and one big mistake caused a great damage: the first Zombie virus was created. This virus changes people to be destructive, ambitious, smarter and bloodthirsty. The virus quickly spreaded inside the secret lab. Heineken lost all of his co-workers in this horrible event. In his despair he activated a bomb and a toxic gas to end this nightmare. But this is another terrible mistake. So now, it’s your turn to save the world.
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We really enjoyed a lot of these puzzles. Some clever "scary" features kept us on our toes. This game is across a very large space, which made navigating (and finding your way back to where you want to be) challenging, but I don't know how it could be made any easier with so many spaces to explore. Would recommend.
Zombies AND a bomb? Wow, you have to hurry to save yourself, the city and the world.
Starting in an office but quickly spreading out to several other rooms, this escape room sends you on several missions. Most puzzles are quite traditional for escape rooms but there are also a few more mini-game-like when you interact with the zombies.
You get written instructions for each mission, so make sure to read it. This seems like a room, where it would be easy to solve things in parallel and so the room is entertaining for more people at the same time. Not very linear.
This is a real room (several rooms) digitized on the telescape platform. This was done well, though we are not fans of how the inventory was accessed in this game (as a phone visible on most screens). Nothing wrong with the tech - just a matter of taste on a design decision. We did struggle a bit with navigation for the first bit of the game (arrows), but we spent enough time to get used to it.
We like a small puzzle where collaboration is needed/makes things easier.