Deception Escape Rooms: Mind Games

By | Mai 6, 2021

von Deception Escape Rooms (webseite)

23 Firs Parade (New Street Entrance), DE4 3AS




Bewertung von EireBanshee experte

Rated between 25 and 25 out of 5
Gespielt am: 20 Nov 2021 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 1:40 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
sehr schwierig

This was the most deviously difficult game I have ever played!  

This game seems to have been made from a pop-up portable type of game, so set and decor is not exciting, but that's not a problem for us.

The puzzles were very difficult, and the annoying voice that regularly spoke over the game was very distracting.  But what was terribly frustrating was trying to FIND things that were impossible to find!  Invisible clickable places.  (also an transparent maze that was impossible to see).  We got stuck for ages on not being able to find something.  The hints system gave us the answer to the lock, but we were still not permitted to open the lock until we found the thing we could not find, and the hints did not direct you in searching so you were just stuck stuck stuck stuck!

A nice challenge for high-level puzzlers, maybe, but bring your magnifying glass and a player who can click on every pixel of the screen with patience.

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