Canada’s greatest detective is missing–and it’s up to you to find him! As the newest constables on the force in 1890s Toronto, locating William Murdoch is your number one priority. You have all of the resources of Station House No. 4 at your disposal–but do you have the skills and smarts it will take to save Murdoch? With a live game feed and clues at your fingertips, you’ll have everything you’ll need to follow Murdoch’s trail, crack curious codes, and uncover the secret of Station House No. 4!
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Let down by being a public game. We were put with 3 other people. 5 others had also booked the game but didnt turn up - they usually remove some puzzles from the game if there’s a smaller group but as the additional people had booked it was set up for a bigger group. It was far too much for us to complete and the people we were put with ignored us. The actors were fantastic and could clearly see the issues at hand. Once they realised the other team might not turn up they should have adapted the game, was asked about this and they said ‘we thought they might turn up halfway through’. Such a shame it costs so much money to make it private.
I never laughed so much throughout a remote escape game. Most of the time we'll be concentrating on solving puzzles but this time I decided to enjoy myself more by sitting back and watching our players interaction with Frank instead. Frank was acting versus game mastering. It's not a skill to be expected in every GM but if you get one that's really good at it, definitely savor everything moment. Since we are unable to enjoy this game in person, our entire experience is put into the hands of GMs. This is a clear case of "a GM can make or break a game". With improvements on the camera feeds, this game could easily make it onto our "favorite games list".