Step into a mysterious cave where you believe a magical and powerful lamp is hidden within. You and your team are prepared to risk anything to retrieve it.
To gain entry to the cave, you have enlisted the help of a local sorcerer. Upon his command of ‘Open Sesame’ the great cave door rolls back. Once inside, your eyes adjust to the dim light and you realise that the cave is full of puzzles and quests designed to guard the treasure hoarded within.
Navigate your way through the mysterious cave and seek out the lamp. But be warned – legend states that those who remove the lamp risk the cave’s wrath and could remain trapped for eternity.
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This was a little dissapointing to us in that one of the props needed to complete a puzzle was missing plus we completed a puzzle which should of opened something else but the person watching wasn't paying attention so it never opened causing our time to go up. Not as good as the smaller more independent ones we've done but looked very pretty.
Gespielt am: 2 Oct 2021Teamgröße: 5Benötigte Zeit: 1hrErgebnis: Entkommen!
tolles hosting
A great time was had by all! Really enjoyed our experience and the team did a lovely job of looking after us all. Would definitely return to try another room.
There are a lot of skill based puzzles that seem to rely on the host watching and pressing a button in this room - which is highly frustrating.
Some broken props led to us walking around with something we absolutely shouldn't have had hold off but it was lying around looking important - turns out it had just broken!
On a positive the set design was great - so it has potential but sadly not a good game for us.
Puzzles were generally pretty easy. Nothing seems automated and all puzzles seemed to be the kind that required the GM to be constantly watching and waiting to see if you’d completed the action you needed to complete.