Deschizi ochii si cu greu incerci sa distingi ce este in jurul tau. Pare un subsol, sau o canalizare, ba nu! E un abator. Incet, incet incepi sa te dezmeticesti si sa iti aduci aminte ce s-a intamplat. Erati cu totii pe strada din spatele hotelului si vorbeati despre partida de fotbal pe care toata lumea o astepta cu sufletul la gura. Iti mai aduci aminte ca a inceput sa miroasa foarte ciudat si…cam atat, pentru ca totul a devenit negru. Iti dai seama ca ai fost rapit! Nu stii de ce, insa instructiunile lasate de rapitor pe o caseta iti spun ca ai la dispozitie 60 de minute sa evadezi din camera, altfel vei fi pe post de hrana pentru sobolani. Capcane demente iti stau in cale pe care doar o minte diabolica le putea inventa, insa nu ai de ales. Daca doresti sa supravietuiesti si sa castigi acest joc mortal ai nevoie de atentie si curaj. Ai doar 60 de minute la dispozitie si trebuie sa rezolvi acest puzzle elaborat. Povestea camerei este inspirata din celebra serie de filme Saw – Puzzle mortal.
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Gespielt am: 28 Mar 2017Teamgröße: 2Ergebnis: Gescheitert 🙁
schlechtes hostingstumpfunoriginell
My first escape room (2017). The host clearly wasn't watching the game. You had to press a switch and the game operator would come into the room and ask what you were up to. They also didn't explain the locks. It being our first room, we didn't know how to use a directional lock and wasted a lot of time on this.
Escape Room did a Black Friday deal, reducing the price from £20.00 to £13.00
per person. I booked Slaughterhouse and Room 13 back to back.
Escape a serial killer's lair by passing their series of tests. Been
there, done that, got the blood-stained t-shirt.
The first puzzle had us stumped
for a while, but then the rest were money for old rope. There wasn’t a huge
variety of challenges: pretty much all of them involved finding a numerical
code of some sort. That being said, there was one directional lock, but the
equipment needed to solve it was very frayed which made life unnecessarily
difficult. All of the UV writing/usable clues could have done with a new
lick of paint, because a lot of them were old, faded, run-down and therefore
hard to utilise.
Shoddy. There was a (literal)
cupboard full of rubber limbs as well as unrealistic bodies that made me feel
like I was in the dimly-lit horror section of a fancy dress shop.
got out with around a quarter of the time left and having used no clues. Don't
pay £20.00 per person for this room. You'd be ripping yourself off.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
A review of three rooms at The Escape Room in Manchester. As with most of the games at this chain, they were linear, relied heavily on darkness and didn't generally produce puzzles that impressed. The one highlight between them was the Secret Lab, a game that used to be raved about but even that is showing its age.