The Legend of Miyalock tells of a treasure hidden deep within a mountain, shrouded in magic and mystery and guarded by the spirit of the dragon – Malaki. Long ago, Malaki sought to destroy this world but a young girl named Miya used her magic to entrap the dragon within the mountain. Thousands of years later, the Collective League of United Explorers (C.L.U.E.) has finally stumbled upon the hiding place of this legendary treasure – but they may have unearthed something much more dangerous. Retrieve Miya’s wand, master the magic of the past and join the fight to defeat Malaki once and for all to claim the treasure of Miyalock for yourselves.
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Interesting use of AV, I found some thing's a little frustrating, but that was probably just us. We still had good fun, and this was an enjoyable room.
Gespielt am: 3 Feb 2024Teamgröße: 4Benötigte Zeit: 38:16Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivstory-getriebenmagischziemlich leicht
This room was fantastic fun! We were a team of 4, half being enthusiasts and the other half being newbies. There was a fantastic variety of puzzles that were all very logical and fit perfectly with the theming. A certain area even had me jumping for joy when I saw what was inside 😀 I loved how they managed to incorporate tech into the temple-esque theme, it didn't feel jarring at all and enhanced the story beautifully. One thing some teams may appreciate is the lack of padlocks in here. There are still a couple of old-school padlocks but the vast majority of puzzles do not use them. Our GM was lovely and set the scene really well for us, though maybe gave us a few too many clues that we really didn't need (so we stopped looking at the screen towards the end), but it didn't affect our enjoyment of the game at all. I think this room is great for all ages but due to it being fairly family-friendly, we did find it quite easy, with no puzzles being particularly difficult or time-consuming, which meant that the flow was great throughout. This said, there was quite a lot to do, so that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Unfortunately throughout this game I feel like the GM really spoiled our experience for us. They began clueing us within the game before we'd actually asked. We had been in the game less than 2 minutes and doing what we needed to, and the GM began clueing us whilst we was doing it.
The Legend of Miyalock seems to be the shining light in the ClueHQ collection. Admittedly we haven’t played many ClueHQ games, but Miyalock is a cracking game and one that ClueHQ can be proud of. We don’t know what the future holds for The Legend of Miyalock, so get and play it now, before it is possibly lost forever.
There were rumours that this room was shutting down, but luckily it appears to still be available to play. And long may that continue – make the effort to get here if you’re in Birmingham and in a clue-y mood.
This game is part of the following user-created game lists:
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2022, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms (out of 1600) in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2021, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2023, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.
For those who want to get together for some games. Try and keep them north of Oxford and south of Manchester but outliers are ok if we all want to do them!