En 1888, en un famoso barrio londinense llamado Whitechapel, ocurrieron una serie de asesinatos cometidos por Jack el Destripador. Ahora, 130 años después, un asesino le está haciendo tributo y causando el caos siguiendo los pasos del mismísimo Jack. En nuestro Room escape os retaremos a descifrar una serie de enigmas que desafiarán vuestra inteligencia, imaginación y cooperación además de poner a prueba vuestros miedos. Ingenio, colaboración, perspectiva... Todos los sentidos deben estar alerta, cualquier pequeño detalle puede ser primordial para superar el desafío.
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immersivtolles hostingheftig💀extreme angst
Whitechapel is one of those games that has a mystique around it to local escape room GMs and owners. It wasn't on our original playlist, but because so many people spoke about it during our time in Barcelona (one GM was even wearing a Whitechapel T shirt!), we managed to squeeze it into our schedule, and we're so glad we did. The environment is great, and of a decent size - Some may consider it small when fortunate enough to have been blessed with playing some of the ridiculous other game sizes in Barcelona, but it's certainly not small.
To explain what makes this game special may spoil the unique mechanic here that will leave you with stories and memories that you'll be talking about for quite some time, so I won't ruin that, but suffice to say that you should go in expecting anything, and you'll quickly realise that playing this room will take a different form of gameplay for your team. If you're a horror fan, this is an unmissable game, hosted wonderfully and expertly by the team. You're not going to get the most lavish sets, or the most spectacular puzzles, but as an experience, our team adored it.
To start with, Whitechapel is (besides Until Dawn) my personal favourite of the 32 Escape Rooms we played in Barcelona and surroundings. A 75 minute horror room absolutely to my taste. But be warned, because scarefactor 9 (10 would be deadly) is quite heavy! You need really strong nerves to put a stop to the imitator of Jack the Ripper, and above all you shouldn’t be afraid of contact in this scenario.
A dense atmosphere, beautifully staged cutscenes and cleverly designed puzzles demand the full cohesion of the game group in an immersive horror setting, where puzzle and panic alternate skillfully. Whitechapel is certainly not as bombastic as some other premium rooms, but makes up for it with its great atmosphere and gameplay.