Escape From The Room: Chambers of Champions

Von | Juli 21, 2020

von Escape From The Room (webseite)

Depot Rd, Epsom KT17 4RJ


2-5 Spieler

60 minuten

2 copies


Bewertung von benny1664 erfahren

Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Gespielt am: 22 May 2023 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 43 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalunlogischsehr schwierig

I am in 2 minds with this game.  Its very unique.  There are 2 parts to the game and we theoretically got out in 43mins but to get out you only have to do 1/3 of the puzzles.  To finish it all is a crazy amount of work and some of the puzzles really did seem a bit out there to comprehend even with an explanation at the end.  We got out in a supposedly quick time but I left feeling very deflated with how many of the puzzles we had actually finished.  It did improve slightly when she said she had only seen 3 teams in 2 years finish it all but I definitely left without a sense of achievement. 

I also think briefings should really clearly say that things are used more than once as most games are one use only but in this game many things all link together and get used over and over. 

So its worth doing but don't be surprised if you do not finish everything as we have pretty much finished all rooms we have done in the 70 games played so far and we got spanked by it!  I think we did around 2/3 of the puzzles.

benny1664 hat 60 Spiele gespielt - alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen ansehen

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