Trapp’d At Home: Reanimation

Von | Juli 11, 2020

von Trapp'd At Home (webseite)

4-6 Spieler

4 Spieler: £60.00
6 Spieler: £80.00

Sprachen: EN

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Black clouds sprawl across the evening sky as a cruel wind rips its way through Ingolstadt, Germany. The unsettled air grows thick and angry, looming over the town like an omen of death. ‘The lull before the storm’ one Professor Victor Frankenstein notes as he takes heed from his tiny attic window.
The Professor is a young well educated man, ghostly and pale with a cough that rattles his core. Everyday the professor endures the toxic vapours, alcohol fumes, naked flames and the wretched stench of rotting flesh that fills his laboratory of horrors. Surrounding him is his grousome stolen collection of assorted body parts, bloody limbs and innards sourced from dissecting rooms, grave yards and slaughter houses.
Consumed with the desire to discover the secret to life Victor Frankenstein needs your help to finally succeed in his mission to cheat death. You too could become an evangelist of modern science by using a combination of chemistry, alchemy, and electricity; but you must work fast to unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation, your monster must be complete in time for its regeneration just as the thunder strikes!
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