The Panic Room Gravesend: Clue Kingdom Part 1: The Enchanted Forest

By | April 22, 2020

von The Panic Room Online (webseite)




Bewertung von escapequeen

Rated between 35 and 35 out of 5
Gespielt am: 4 Dec 2021 Teamgröße: 4

I played the first episode of Clue Kingdom with 3 friends and we thought it was a good digital/virtual game.  To each their own, but we really appreciated that it allowed us to take our time without shutting down at the 1 hour point.  This is also not a 360 point and click game, and more of a linear story where we all work on the same puzzle until it is solved, then advance to the next one.  Also a plus, in my book.

The positives were the stunning artwork and immersive narratives with music.  This game is next level in beauty of the illustrations, and unique in that it included cinematic music during the narrative parts.  There was also a soundtrack that we could download and play along with.  We downloaded it, but audio can be a pain sharing over Meet, so we didn't use it.

There were some small negatives.  There are few, if any, interactive pieces to the puzzles.  They are mostly static images or animations that you solve in your head or on paper to enter in the code to progress.  We weren't bothered by it, but some might be.  Also, there were grammar and punctuation errors in the narrative parts.  Probably not a problem for most, but we chose one of us to read each narrative section for the rest, and errors made it difficult to read aloud with the right inflection and tone.  The final negative is that all the puzzles seemed cut from the same cloth - figure out the correct order of a series of images or symbols.  

We liked it enough to try out Chapter 2, and are looking forward to it, but are also hoping there is a greater variety in the puzzles in that one.

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