Calle Cooperativa, 77
2-7 Spieler
Bewertung von Adam Bravery experte
Gespielt am: 7 Dec 2022 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 60ish Ergebnis: Entkommen!
heftigannoying puzzlesziemlich schwierig
Totally different to the vibe they present on the website. Not a great start when the host turns up 5 minutes after the game is due to start and says nothing to you as he passes. Puzzles were confusing and inobvious, frankly a lot needed signposting. The theming was alright but felt very cheap and for a huge space it was used poorly. I enjoyed some of the puzzles and a section in the middle stood out for me, but found myself frustrated with the puzzles for most of the game. The clue system used a voice modulator which sounded quite shit and we couldn't really understand it (Language barrier also plays a part here I suppose, but the GMs English was excellent when we chatted after). One puzzle near the end was really quite infuriating, especially for a team of 2 as it had multiple levels to progress through and reset fully if you messed up at all. Overall, some decent puzzle ideas but poorly done and didn't really get the theme.
Adam Bravery hat 138 Spiele gespielt - alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen ansehen
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