Talented and somewhat eccentric musician Charlie Lagami is celebrating a big birthday with family and friends.
You arrive to join in the fun only to find the place deserted, all the guests dispersed and Charlie in quite a state, dead in fact.
Charlie has just managed to leave some clues as to the attacker’s identity. Can you eliminate the innocent, reveal the culprit and get the hell out of there before the detectives arrive? Or will you be caught with blood on your hands?
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We played Framed on Sunday and were totally immersed in the game, everything from the set, the puzzles and Tessa's hosting was amazing. Clues were provided just at the right moments before frustration set in. It is also the first escape room where we have been able to walk away with a memento (and more).
Quite how so much has been packed into one room and how unique the puzzles are is simply mind boggling, we are still talking about it.
A very crammed room but for the good reasons. Non linear in its majority with plenty to do even with larger teams. Great little deduction puzzles interwoven throughout the main game.
A massive space makes this a perfect game for larger teams of either enthusiasts or families. Some very clever puzzles and a great way to play out a classic who-dunnit.
Probably the most family-friendly venue near us (possibly in the country) is Oakham’s One Way Out. With 70 minute games (and generosity with over-runs),
From the character filled intro, the puzzles, decor and the cake, Framed! is a truly wonderful game and one that will challenge the maximum number of players due to the sheer amount there is to do. It’s a joy to play and really makes you work hard to escape. One Way Out is a little gem of an escape room and one that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone. We can’t wait to return and try out their other offerings.
For those who want to get together for some games. Try and keep them north of Oxford and south of Manchester but outliers are ok if we all want to do them!