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Final game of the day with knockout and we played on extreme mode! Brilliant puzzles in a well themed area and a climax to the game to get the blood pumping! Really enjoyable game from the team at knockout!
Gespielt am: 9 Mar 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 58Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffinierttolles hosting
Quite challenging for two but we felt like we did well and got to the end with a minute or two to spare. Again some original new things ive not really seen before, along with some familiar lock and key and code type puzzles.
Cabins in escape rooms have a tendency to turn grizzly - the ominous cabin in the woods trope. This one is an exception. It turns out to be a fairly normal miner’s cabin (normal other than being filled with puzzles, I guess); unfortunately, just at the moment you sneak inside, a landslide leaves you trapped with no way out.
Far from creepy, there’s a homely and quite welcoming feel to the space. It was even pretty well lit, though the torches provided were a welcome help for the dimmer corners....
This is one of those rooms that you enter and think you know what you’re getting but then it finds ways to surprise you and fill you with excitement. On the surface it looks like a simple room but behind the scenes there's a lot of tech working hard to keep you on your toes
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These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms (out of 1600) in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2021, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.