von The Crystal Maze Manchester (webseite)
Lower Byrom Street, M3 4FP
1-32 Spieler
60 minuten
Bewertung von roberts0502 experte
Gespielt am: 14 Jan 2024 Teamgröße: 8 Benötigte Zeit: 164 pts Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingüberteuert
Crystal Maze Manchester throws 16 challenges at up to 8 players, translating to at least 2 challenges per person when everyone joins in. The puzzles, inspired by the iconic TV show, are a blast for the 2-3 minutes it takes to tackle each one. They range from brain-teasing puzzles to physical feats involving wacky contraptions, in immersive settings with a great host who leads your game for the whole journey. However, the overall experience feels rushed, especially considering the £40+ average price tag per player. Considering this, you don't get a lot of playtime for your money. While a traditional escape room might offer better value, the Crystal Maze is still undeniably a unique experience worth trying at least once, especially if you're curious and have a solid team to conquer it with.
roberts0502 hat 119 Spiele gespielt - alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen ansehen
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