House of Tales: One Night In Hong Kong

Von | März 20, 2019

von House of Tales (webseite)


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, DE

60 minuten

2 copies

Seit jeher regiert die chinesische Mafia lautlos die Unterwelt. Ein Geflecht aus Schutzgelderpressung, Prostitution und illegalem Handel zieht sich durch die Walled City. Bisher war es deine Familie, in deren Händen alle Fäden zusammenliefen, doch nun kündigt eine neue Triade den blutigen Machtwechsel an.

Verteidige die Ehre deiner Triade und finde unseren verlorenen Bruder Wen Dee. Er und die Schutzgeldeinnahmen des letzten Monats sind spurlos verschwunden...

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Bewertet zwischen 3 und 4 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 3 Benutzern

Deine Bewertung


caroline354 experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2.5 and 2.5 out of 5

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

Kowloon is an 18-rated escape game, and although the website description of the story doesn’t entirely spell it out, the plot is that you’re Triad gang members, breaking into a rival gang’s premises to swipe their loot. The premises in question happen to be a sex club, hence the game’s rating.

Perhaps the adult theme means that this is a game popular with the hen and stag do crowd - in the briefing the host seemed prepped for innuendo and banter, in a way that left us a little nonplussed. The h...

With the way the game was designed, I would designate a team leader. It almost feels like we're just sharing a game screen over zoom. There was really no point in multiple people clicking different things at the same time because the puzzles were linear and it had to be solved as a team before moving on. If HOUSE of TALES want to make a more cooperative type of game, they'll have to implement more puzzles that teams can construct together or build an inventory system where the players can at least "search and find" items separately. A non-linear play could be quite interesting to see. We did love the uniqueness of the story line and the graphics of the game a lot. The ending also left us a nice cliffhanger which I assume there will be a sequel coming in the near future?

One Night in Hong Kong offers a rather unconsumed setting in a special scenery, which makes you want more and of which we would have liked to see more. The room is recommended for beginners and advanced players alike. 

House of Tales in Berlin is often named as one of the best locations for Escape Room fans in Berlin – naturally, we had to see what all that noise was all about. We battled an Executioner, the Chinese Mafia and the mysterious Illuminati…
Die Musik, die dunklen, teils engen Räume und die passende visuelle Gestaltung gaben uns das Gefühl, in einer anderen Welt zu sein.

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