Pollok House: Escape the Past

Von | März 20, 2019

von Pollok House (webseite)

Pollok Country Park, 2060 Pollokshaws Road, G43 1AT.


2-5 Spieler

60 minuten

Escape the Past is a live escape game based below stairs in Glasgow's historic Pollok House.
You and your team will travel back in time to experience life below stairs in the Edwardian period at Pollok House.
You have just 60 minutes to look for clues, solve a series of puzzles and complete challenges in order to thwart the Butler's devious plans, save Pollok House and return to the present.
An exciting new below stairs experience for 2-5 players.
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Bewertet mit 3.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

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A round-up of a couple of trips through Glasgow. Mostly poor experiences with the one highlight being Escape the Past at Pollok House, a room that would stand up reasonably well even if it weren't in a heritage site.

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