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Gespielt am: 12 Dec 2024Teamgröße: 5Benötigte Zeit: 50
originaltolles hostingkaputte technik
There were lots of puzzles and things to do for all of us. Overall a good game however not one of their best games. There was a dodgy directional lock which the host had to come in and do, the final puzzle went on for about 6-7 mins which kept 2-3 people occupied but the rest of us just stood round waiting, bit anticlimactic for what would have been a solid game. Also lots of history about Halifax which was original however it meant there were lots of information in there which isn’t part of a puzzle. Great hosting.
I was surprised as to how much I really enjoyed this game. I didn't know what to expect from a museum style game. However the puzzles in here was fantastic made me leave fancying a toffee penny.
Haligonian is the adjective for a person or thing from Halifax, and this room is a love letter to the town where The Escaporium is based. There’s a storyline beyond that, involving searching a collector’s private museum, but it seems like an excuse to celebrate all things Halifax. That might sound like an odd premise, less exciting than stopping a bomb or escaping from jail, but the result is not just a game that feels distinctive but one where you can feel the pride in the town’s history and ac...
A charming room and perfect for players who are looking for something that's perhaps a little more cultural and touristy than your average escape room.
Yes, there’s more to Halifax than just the bank and the Haligonian is the perfect place to learn about it while having a great time solving puzzles!
A game very much focused on puzzles, with a museum like setting that gives it a very different feel. Lots of fun and an interesting insight into the history of Halifax.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms (out of 1600) in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2021, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.