Autor-Archive: escapethereview

Ultimate Quest: The Last Pyramid

Online, Oct 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Lockdown led to a flurry of innovation in online entertainment, and Last Pyramid is part of the small escape room adjacent genre of team challenge/puzzle game – The Crystal Maze remains the obvious point of comparison.
There’s a sci-fi theme and a s… (more)

The Escape Network: Armageddon

Online, Oct 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Armageddon is a point-and-click game set in Kelvedon Hatch nuclear bunker. Those familiar with the location may recognise that that’s the site of Clue HQ Brentwood, which runs a large-team game with the same name, on which this game is I believe at l… (more)

Bedford Escape Rooms: Laboratory

Bedford, Sep 2021

Rated 3 out of 5
The third game we played at Bedford Escape Rooms was potentially the hardest, in that there was a choice of two difficulty levels – though we accidentally ended up playing the easier option, I think by default. The difference seems to be the addition… (more)

Bedford Escape Rooms: Murder Scene

Bedford, Sep 2021

Rated 3 out of 5
Second of the games we played at Bedford Escape Rooms, I’d narrowly give the edge to Murder Scene over the others. As the name suggests, the theme puts you at the scene of a recent murder, in what’s essentially someone’s living room.
We rattled thro… (more)

Bedford Escape Rooms: Saw Room

Bedford, Sep 2021

Rated 3 out of 5
There’s a common theme to three of the games I played at Bedford Escape Rooms: all were quite simple in design and appearance, but all were decent and enjoyable. Saw Room was the first of the three, and is designed as horror game – despite an opening… (more)

Don’t Get Locked In: The Vault

Bedford, Sep 2021

Rated 2.5 out of 5
The Vault was for me the second half of Don’t Get Locked In’s Audacious experience, though it’s also available to play stand-alone; and in retrospect I think I would have preferred to play it separately, since as it was we started off already frazzle… (more)