Can You Escape Malta: Mayan Temple

Von | Januar 18, 2025

von Can You Escape Malta (webseite)

Attard ATD4000


2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Step into the shadowy world of ancient Mayan ruins and unlock the secrets of a forgotten civilization in THE MAYAN TEMPLE. As renowned archaeologists, your team has embarked on daring mission to overturn the curse of the vengeful Goddess Exchelles. Betrayed by the treacherous priest Itsamna, she has unleashed a powerful curse that manifests every 60 minutes, bringing chaos and danger to those who dare enter her temple. To break the curse, you must navigate the labyrinthine ruins, solve intricate puzzles, and retrieve the sacred artifacts of the Sun, Moon, and Star. The clock is ticking, and danger is closing in at every turn. Will you be able to lift the curse before time runs out, or will you become the next victims of the goddess’s wrath? Only the bravest and most clever will survive this epic adventure. The ancient Mayan Temple awaits—are you ready to face its challenges?

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