Lifestyle Publishing: Escape from the Asylum

Von | Januar 4, 2025

von Lifestyle Publishing

Sprachen: EN

📦escape book

You open your eyes and find yourself in a cold, padded cell. Unfortunately, this is not a dream: your own brother committed you to this hellhole of a psychiatric hospital. The betrayal stings, but there is no time for a breakdown. You need to get out, and you must do it fast. The plan seems simple enough: retrieve your personal file, find a place to hide before the night guard makes his rounds, and then find a way out. Escaping the asylum in time, however, won’t be easy...

Escape from the Asylum is a thrilling escape room experience in the form of a co-operative board game. The game is divided into two parts, and each part is a collection of five stories. In each story, you assume a role of a character trying to escape the North Oaks asylum. To accomplish that, you will have to solve puzzles and make life-changing decisions. Reveal more and more of the backstory and watch the stories intertwine as you play.

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