Lost Philippines: Stolen

Von | November 15, 2024

von Lost Philippines (webseite)

Level, 4, The Block, SM City North, Epifanio de los Santos Ave, Quezon City, Metro Manila


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

45 minuten

On the morning of March 18,1990, the security guards of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston allowed the entry of two policemen responding to a disturbance call. Upon entering, the alleged policemen quickly tied up the museum guards. Then over the next hour, committed the largest recorded value theft of private property in history. Despite diligent efforts by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and multiple probes around the world, no arrests have been made and thirteen pieces of art valued at $500 Million U.S. Dollars remain unrecovered. To this day, this remains the largest unsolved art heist. Do you think you got what it takes to solve this case?

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