Lost Philippines: The Walled City of Kowloon

Von | November 15, 2024

von Lost Philippines (webseite)

Level, 4, The Block, SM City North, Epifanio de los Santos Ave, Quezon City, Metro Manila


2-10 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Known as “The Ungoverned”, the Kowloon Walled City got its alias from being lawless at a time when it was completely abandoned by the governments of China, Hong Kong, and Great Britain. It easily developed into a hotbed of evil where prostitution, gambling and drug abuse proliferated.

In the 70’s, the Walled City was known to be the most populated location in the world with densely packed buildings and houses with extremely narrow streets that were close to impossible to navigate.

While exploring Hong Kong, you find yourself wandering the dark alleys of the Walled City. Your hands start to sweat and you could hear your heart madly beating as you begin to feel claustrophobic from the packed buildings closing in on you. Can you push away your fear and find your way back out to safety?

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