Lost Philippines: Nemesis

Von | November 15, 2024

von Lost Philippines (webseite)

Annapolis St. Cor, Missouri, San Juan, 1502 Metro Manila


4-12 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

75 minuten

The LOST City is being invaded by biological viruses!  While under the hazy atmosphere, the virus spread situation has gone seriously out of control with over ninety percent of the people infected.  The Government has to make a full blockade of the LOST City.  You have received reliable information that the culprit of the biochemical disaster is a pharmaceutical company.  So, your team decided to sneak into the company’s headquarters to investigate. Unfortunately, your team was caught and you were all locked in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by zombies roaring of hunger.  Time flies and you hear a fuzzy radio broadcast “… the last rescue team will be arriving the LOST City to save the survivors within 90 minutes, please proceed to the center of LOST City to assemble…¨

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