The Panic Room Dartford: Netherworld

Von | Juli 30, 2024

von The Panic Room Dartford (webseite)

3 Copperfields Walk, Dartford DA1 2DE


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


You are part of the elite “Nethertech” recovery team, specialists in handling interdimensional anomalies. Recently, a mysterious and urgent distress signal was intercepted from Testing Facility 11, a top-secret research site dedicated to the exploration of parallel dimensions.

Mission Brief: Facility 11 was at the forefront of experimental portal technology, striving to bridge our world with alternate dimensions. After numerous attempts, they finally succeeded in opening a gateway. However, this portal is unlike any other they’ve encountered. Distorted and unstable, it leads to a dimension teeming with unknown dangers and bizarre phenomena.

As you arrive at the facility, it is eerily silent, the once bustling laboratory now abandoned and in disarray. Your objective is clear: investigate the circumstances surrounding the portal’s activation, discover the fate of the missing scientists, and, most importantly, find a way to seal the portal and escape the facility before it’s too late.

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