Escape Hunt Perth: Legend of the Sword

Von | Juni 5, 2024

von Escape Hunt Perth (webseite)

U29A/36 The Piazza, South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160


4-10 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

The mighty sword has been entrapped in stone, can you prove your worth to obtain it?

After King Arthur fell at the battle of Camlann, England was thrust into a century of darkness. Excalibur was lost and the valiant Knights of the Round Table disbanded, their bonds of kinship forever broken.

In the darkness, Morgan Le Fey formed the Order of the Sword, searching the land for good and just knights, hoping to restore what was lost and bring England back to the light. She has brought you here, to King Arthur’s tower, in the ruins of Camelot to prove your worth. If you can make it through the tower and draw Excalibur from the stone, England’s glory will be restored!

But someone else lies in wait; a powerful sorcerer twisted by time and regret – Merlin! He has set formidable trials which you must overcome to complete your quest and prove yourselves worthy of lifting the mighty sword.

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