Kids Escape Rooms Zadar: Pirate Adventure

Von | April 7, 2024

von Kids Escape Rooms Zadar (webseite)

Ul. 4.Gardijske Brigade 17, 23000, Zadar


Sprachen: EN, HR

60 minuten

für kinder
Welcome to a secluded island where only a few palm trees and an abandoned Pirate Tavern can be found. The tavern was frequented by pirates during their long journeys to rest and socialize. Fearing a pirate attack, during one of their visits, in order to protect their newly found treasure, they created a series of puzzles and hid their treasure chest. The pirates set sail on their next journey and never returned to the Pirate Tavern, leaving behind the treasure that no one has been able to find and open to this day.GOAL OF THE GAME: Today, you step into the shoes of a pirate and travel back several centuries, but you only have 60 minutes before returning to the present to follow the clues, solve all obstacles, and unlock the treasure chest.
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