von Escapist NZ (webseite)
Level 1, 36 Bryce Street, 3204
2-7 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
60 minuten
Cousin Nicky was super impressed by your wits and dedication to help him execute a Hei$t on Cascade Bank. He managed to cleared out his debt to the Russian Mobs and you even have enough for a deposit to a house you have been eyeing on Hamilton Lake. Win-win for you both.Now that Cousin Nicky has got the exhilarating taste of danger, he gets a bit cocky. He calls you up again and ask if you are game for the another Hei$t. He heard from an informant that Cascade Bank has beefed up their security and now is home to a grand jewel of insane value.
Is this information true? Are you able to pull off another Hei$t for the old time's sake? Probably you can pay off your mortgage and reach your FIRE dream, or will your luck run out this time?
vollständige Beschreibung anzeigenIs this information true? Are you able to pull off another Hei$t for the old time's sake? Probably you can pay off your mortgage and reach your FIRE dream, or will your luck run out this time?
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basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
Deine Bewertung
🌵Juliette B experte hat dies bewertet:
Gespielt am: 11/12/2023 Teamgröße: 4 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Bank heist room - small footprint, but designed to be heavy on the puzzle front so that it provides a level of replay-ability. Playable but less ideal if playing with children, as more difficult that the other rooms in this venue.