Wild Goose Escapes Irvine: The House Next Door

Von | Juli 17, 2023

von Wild Goose Escapes Irvine (webseite)

2710 Alton Pkwy #209, Irvine, CA 92606


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

<div class="et_pb_text_inner" data-et-multi-view="{"schema":{"content":{"desktop":"Your new neighbor has raised suspicions with you and the other residents of the neighborhood.\u00a0\n


Once he leaves, you’ll have the opportunity to break in and explore the truth about his identity. Investigate for evidence and piece together the puzzle of his identity before he returns, while being careful of the sophisticated security system that is protecting the home from intruders.\u00a0","tablet":"\nYour new neighbor has raised suspicions with you and the other residents of the neighborhood. When he departs, take advantage of the opportunity to explore the truth behind his identity by breaking into his home. Embark on a thorough investigation, scouring for evidence and piecing together the puzzle of his identity before he returns.","phone":"Your new neighbor has raised suspicions with you and the other residents of the neighborhood. \n

Once he leaves, you'll have the opportunity to break in and explore the truth about his identity. Investigate for evidence and piece together the puzzle of his identity before he returns, while being careful of sophisticated security system that is protecting the home from intruders. "}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-tablet-hidden="true" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true" style="box-sizing: border-box; outline: 0px; font-size: 14px; text-size-adjust: 100%; background: transparent; position: relative;">Your new neighbor has raised suspicions with you and the other residents of the neighborhood. 

Once he leaves, you’ll have the opportunity to break in and explore the truth about his identity. Investigate for evidence and piece together the puzzle of his identity before he returns, while being careful of the sophisticated security system that is protecting the home from intruders. 

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