Escape Husvagn: Escape Husvagn

Von | August 31, 2022

von Escape Husvagn (webseite)

Veberödsgatan 6, 212 28 Malmö


2-3 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, SV

60 minuten

A mysterious caravan with a nuclear bomb onboard has been left on a driveway in Malmö and a historic mistake puts the fate of Malmö in your hands. Escape Husvagn is an escape room with a lot of technical and aesthetic features designed by two teenagers and with great feedback from those who tried! This is how it works: 

In a team of 2-3 people, you will have a story told to you, a kind of task that you will have to solve. You will have to figure out clues, find keys and codes and try to find the links between all objects you find in the caravan to succeed. But - if you fail to figure out everything in less than 1 hour, you failed the mission. Have you got what it takes to disarm the bomb?

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