von GoMystery Maribo (webseite)
Torvet 4, 4930 Maribo
2-5 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, DA, DE
60 minuten
Every evening the watchman went through Maribo. He maintained order and discipline in the evening and in the night in the town, but his most important job was to react, if there was a fire. But one night it went wrong – very wrong – and many of the houses in Maribo burned down.
The watchman now asks you to help him with solving, what happened that night, where the big fire devastated Maribo. The mystery has tormented him since then. He has hidden some evidence, which he thinks will help you with the solution. Take the evidence with you through Maribo, in order to see, if you and your family will be the ones to solve the mystery about the big fire.
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