Seoul Escape Room: The Torture Room

Von | August 27, 2022

von Seoul Escape Room (webseite)

South Korea, KR 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 강남대로102길 20 3,4


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, KO

60 minuten

You came very close to being caught in the Elevator, but thanks to your instinct and intelligence, you were able to narrowly escape. Not only that, you picked up a clue about a secret floor in this building in the process.

What could be in this secret floor of the Organization? And why do I feel like I’ve been there… Ugh!

You frown from jolt of pain in your head as you try to recall your past. You can’t be sure, but something subconscious tells you that you must find this secret place. Perhaps you could learn about your past. You hack into the Elevator system with surprising ease, and find a way to get there.


As you press the elevator buttons in the right sequence, you hear the low sound of motor and feel it moving. On the panel that shows which floor, a red ‘X’ has lit up.


Elevator comes to a full stop, and the door opens.

It’s dark and quiet in here. You smell some foul stench. In front of you is another door, a heavily rusted metal one. You suddenly feel a chill going down your spine, and your mouth feels dry. Yet, you bite your lips down and take a step forward.

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