Seoul Escape Room: Dungeon at Alcatraz

Von | August 27, 2022

von Seoul Escape Room (webseite)

b1, 1317-9 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul


2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, KO

60 minuten

You have been sentenced to life in prison under compelling evidence supporting that you have committed a murder. You are about to be transported to the World's most infamous prison cell, 'Alcatraz', also known to criminals as “the final stop”. Even at Alcatraz, you are taken to the innermost dungeon cell of the prison, where only the worst of the criminals are sent for life sentence...

On your way down to the dungeon, you scream in desperation and cry out loud that you are innocent and have been framed. To your surprise, the security guard leans in and speaks to you:

“Hey Pal, I've worked in these quarters for the past 30 years, and you don't look like a killer to me. Let me give you a tip. About 10 years back, there was one guy just like you, screaming for his innocence. He was kept in the dungeon overnight, and the next morning he was gone. No one ever found out how he'd done it. So don't lose hope if you're really as innocent as you say you are!”

You have 60 minutes to escape the dungeon before the guard who likes you is switched away with another guard. Will you be able to escape the fate of life sentence in prison..?

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