Cornwall’s Great Escape Rooms Newlyn: The Hangover Christmas Edition

Von | Oktober 30, 2021

von Cornwall's Great Escape Rooms Newlyn (webseite)

Unit 4, Wesley Place, TR18 5AZ


2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


Its Christmas eve and the elves had their annual Christmas party last night, they let their hair down and had some fun… a little too much fun.

A few too many eggnogs were had, and the workshop is a mess but most importantly the one of the reindeers are missing! Someone had the bright idea to take one of the reindeers out for a midnight ride, no one is owning up to it (or can remember) and the countdown is on. 

Without the last reindeer Santa won’t make his way around the world in time before day breaks. Some poor children will wake up on Christmas morning without any presents. Santa leaves in one hour, whether or not he makes around the world in time is down to you.

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