The Mindtrap Athens: Indiana Jones

Von | Juli 20, 2021

von The Mindtrap Athens (webseite)

Κώστα Βάρναλη 10 Χαλάνδρι 15233


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, EL

60 minuten

According to the legend, sacred stones were given to Sankara by the Hindu god Shiva. These stones contained the most valuable diamonds inside, which would reveal only if the stones were brought together. Many explorers have tried to discover them, but no one on such a quest has ever returned from the Mount Kalisa. Now it’s your turn and you have something valuable: the notes and the clues that the biggest explorer has left! Can you manage to obtain the stones and break free from Shiva’s holy curse, before you meet the destiny of previous explorers?
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