Sultans of Solve: The Clock Winder

Von | Juni 28, 2021

von Sultans of Solve (webseite)

£31.00 $39.00

Sprachen: EN

📦escape book
The clock is ticking and The Clock Winder has promised to murder 7 victims. Can you stop his evil game before it is too late?
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Hello Detective, want to play a game? Right away, this game gave us a "Saw" type of feel. You would think because it's a serial killer game, it might be quite gory but the bloody handprint is probably the most grotesque thing you'll see in the game. This serial killer is clearly taunting the officials and think that he/she will never be caught. By outsmarting the killer's riddles, we got closer and closer to the finish line. Are we really at the finish line though? Just like any good movie, you'll have to wait for the sequel!

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